All payments go directly to the artist. ♥
Available Works and Pricing

Please contact the artist for commission information.

1: $25 Deluxe Digital Light Theremin USB Album - USB drive + analog synth - Project Video

2: $5000 The Minimasher - bespoke, interactive, multiplayer, audio sculpture. Plug & play. Includes custom stand (not pictured) - Project Video

3: $15 FourTrack LED Pendant - pin-back printed circuit board, includes deluxe download edition of album Four Track

4: $40 Light Theremin CD Case & Album - circuit board album artwork + analog synth - Project Video

5: $2000 ConnecTable (AKA The Launchbox) - multiplayer musical instrument - plug and play - Project Video

About Moldover

History only notes a handful of artists who successfully pushed the limits - both with their music and the design of their musical instruments. What Bach was to the keyboard and Hendrix was to the guitar, Moldover is to the controller. Disillusioned with "press play DJ's," Moldover fans eagerly welcome electronic music's return to virtuosity, improvisation, and emotional authenticity. Dig deeper into Moldover's world and you'll uncover a subversive cultural icon who is jolting new life into physical media with Playable Packaging, sparking beautiful collaborations with his custom Jamboxes, and drawing wave after wave of followers with an open-source approach to sharing his methods and madness.

Covid-19 is some scary sh*t. I'm not that young, but I don't think I've lived through an event that has affected the world and the people I care about on so many levels, and it's only just beginning. I've been a self-employed artist my whole life and I've never been so worried about the sustainability of my work, because it's almost all gone...

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